Mantis Warriors assassinate the Nobz in a wartruk. Such Fun!
Likewise I missed the SNS game night where Jeff G put on another game of Blackpowder Napoleonics. A fun time was had by all, but alas, I again have no photos.
So, in the interest of keeping your interest, I include a couple of photos of a Warhammer 40K game I played against Dave B quite some time ago. My older-figures Mantis Warriors Space Marines fought a tough battle against his Space Orks.
One way to take down a warlord.
(Note the old-style dreadnought!)
In the meantime, I'm busy priming and painting a French tank company for Flames of War using the BlitzKrieg army lists. These troops will counterattack the blitzing Germans in the Tanksgiving FOW battle at GAJO on Saturday. Hopefully a worthy account will follow.